
The State of the Union: Selena with 4 delegations and the colleagues of Bulgaria.

Leaving for Florence four delegations Selena Italy (Piedmont, Tuscany, Marche, Lazio) which will join colleagues of Selena Bulgaria to attend The State of the Union and contribute to the discussion on Women in Europe and the World, chosen topic for 2016 .

The State of the Union is a prime occasion for high-level reflection on the European Union and the world. The idea to organise the conference stems from the will of the European University Institute to provide a concrete contribution to the European and international debate on governance, integration and global challenges, through a special event with qualified and plural participation and a wide international resonance. 

Since 2011, The State of the Union has gathered every year eminent political leaders, members from civil society, personalities from the business world and opinion leaders to join selected individuals from the outstanding body of academics at the EUI to discuss the current state of affairs and the future prospects of the European Union.

For more information visit https://stateoftheunion.eui.eu/

Click here for the full program